Publications on Planning

Boutilier, Craig , Tom Dean, and Steve Hanks(
Planning under uncertainty: Structural assumptions and computational leverage
Proceedings, 2nd European Planning Workshop, 1995 ( gzipped Postscript - 90 KB) Abstract:
The problem of planning under uncertainty has been addressed by researchers in many different field...

Boutilier, Craig, R. Dearden, and M. Goldszmidt (
Exploiting structure in policy construction
Proceedings of the Fourteenth IJCAI, 1995 ( gzipped Postscript - 51 KB) Abstract:
Markov decision processes (MDPs) have recently been applied to the problem of modeling decision-the...

Boutilier, Craig , Martin L. Puterman
Planning and Average-Reward Optimality
IJCAI-95 ( gzipped Postscript - 47 KB) Abstract:
We argue that many AI planning problems should be viewed as process-oriented, where the aim...

Dimitrakakis, Christos , Samy Bengio(
Gradient Estimates of Return
IDIAP Research Report (abridged version presented at PASCAL workshop on principled methods of trading exploration and exploitation) ( gzipped Postscript - 185KB) Abstract:
The exploration-exploitation trade-off that arises when one considers simple point estimates of exp...

Draper, Denise , Steve Hanks and Daniel Weld(
Probabilistic Planning with Information Gathering and Contingent Execution
Proceedings, 2nd Conference on AI Planning Systems, June 1994 (compressed Postscript - ) Abstract:
Most AI representations and algorithms for plan generation have not included the concept of informa...

Fulkerson, Michael , Michael L. Littman and Greg A. Keim(
Speeding Safely: Multi-criteria optimization in probabilistic planning
Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Postscript - 63KB) Abstract:
racetrack problem, risk aversion...

Goldsmith, Judy , Michael L. Littman, Martin Mundhenk( goldsmit at
The Complexity of Plan Existence and Evaluation in Probabilistic Domains
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI--97) (Postscript - 277KB) Abstract:
We examine the computational complexity of testing and finding small plans in probabilistic plannin...

Goldsmith, Judy ( goldsmit at
various Abstract:

Kushmerick, Nick , Steve Hanks and Daniel Weld(
An algorithm for probabilistic planning
Artificial Intelligence, 76(1-2), 1995 (compressed Postscript - 300 KB) Abstract:
We define the probabilistic planning problem in terms of a probability distribution over initial wo...

Littman, Michael (
Probabilistic Propositional Planning: Representations and Complexity
Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Postscript - 360KB) Abstract:
Many representations for probabilistic propositional planning problems have been studied. This pap...

Szepesvari, Csaba (
Efficient Approximate Planning in Continuous Space Markovian Decision Problems
unpublished ( gzipped Postscript - 128) Abstract:
In this article we consider Monte-Carlo planning algorithms for planning in continuous state-space, ...