Publications on Shaping

Dorigo, Marco , M. Colombetti
Robot shaping: Developing autonomous agents through learning
Artificial Intelligence, 71:321-370, 1994 ( gzipped Postscript - 574 KB) Abstract:
Learning plays a vital role in the development of situated agents. In this paper, we explore the u...

Randlov, Jette , Preben Alstrom(
Learning to Drive a Bicycle using Reinforcement Learning and Shaping
ICML-98 ( gzipped Postscript - 726kb) Abstract:
We present and solve a real-world problem of learning to ride a bicycle. We solve the problem by on...

Randlov, Jette (
Shaping in Reinforcement Learning by Changing the Physics of the Problem
ICML-2000 ( gzipped Postscript - 65 ) Abstract:
Children learn to ride a bicycle by using training wheels. They are actually trying to learn one ta...

Rosenstein, Michael , Andrew Barto
Supervised learning combined with an actor-critic architecture
Technical Report 02-41, Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2002 (PDF - 176 KB) Abstract:
To address the shortcomings of reinforcement learning (RL) a number of researchers have focused rec...

Shavlik, Jude , R. Maclin(
Creating advice-taking reinforcement learners
Machine Learning, 22:1-3, 251-281 (Postscript - 430 KB) Abstract:
Learning from reinforcements is a promising approach for creating intelligent agents. However, rei...